
The easiest way to share a poll

Create and share polls via WhatsApp, Twitter, email and more. It works anywhere as it's plain text.

Lots of options

Add images.
Limit how many times a voter can vote.
Set a voting deadline.
Ask the voters' name, email or other details. Or keep it anonymous.
Allow voters to create answers.
Choose a date and time for your answers.
Combine multiple polls.
Speaker Camera

Share your poll anywhere

WhatsApp, Twitter,email, on a forum, in a blog post.
It works on every platform as it's plain text.
Vote directly on an answer by clicking it's unique link.
No account required.
Speaker Camera

Analyse your votes

Graphs and statistics.
Export votes to .csv.
Speaker Camera

Limit access to your poll

Protect your poll with a password.
Provide a list of email addresses that have access.
Allow access to all email addresses from a specific domain.
Speaker Camera

Validate your votes

Verification of the voters' email address with a confirmation code.
Prevent bots from voting.
Speaker Camera

Personalise your poll

Use your own branding.
Thank your voters with a personalised message.
Redirect the voter to your website after voting.
Speaker Camera

Join our worldwide community.


Number of Pollies


Number of votes

Ready to make your own poll?

Download the app.

Before you continue

We use cookies and other data to deliver, maintain, and improve our services and ads. If you agree, we’ll personalize the ads you see. We also have partners that measure how our services are used.

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